sweetgrass turkeys

  1. S

    Coyote killed my Sweetgrass Tom

    I found the remains of my only sweetgrass Tom this morning. After all the work I put in to raise him and the sweetgrass females I planned to breed him to, it feels like a real kick in the teeth. Ever since the huge cold spell started the coyotes have been relentless in trying to get past the...
  2. JamieMcClain

    Sexing turkeys

    I’m having the hardest time sexing our two turkeys. I’m fairly certain the bourbon red is a male but go back and forth on the sweetgrass. Also can these two breeds breed eachother successfully?
  3. K

    Red Sweetgrass

    Hi all! This will be my first thread here so bare with me please. I am very new and limited to my Turkey genetics knowledge. I own Sweetgrass, which I believe are b’b’ cgcg. I want to use them, to make Fall Fire, which if I’ve learned correctly, is basically a Sweetgrass with one Red Gene, Rr...
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