thin egg shells

  1. seven possums

    Balloon butt after hen quit laying, EYP?

    Venus is a guesstimated 2.5y/o australorp, 3 flockmates - 2 leghorns, Magnolia & Sarge, and another 'lorp, Elvira. She's not laying, suspect a repro issue that has led to EYP - swollen, bruised-looking belly has drained off 3x, different fluid every time. Venus has always been broody and plucks...
  2. CindyK75

    Vitamin D Help for Hen

    I have a Buff Orpington, little over 2 yrs old. Between last years almost heat stroke (I saved her) and my late rooster making her go bald on her back---and trying to regrow those feathers AND lay eggs---well, I've been dealing with thin eggshells from her for months now. I've given her calcium...
  3. m1marin

    Hen drinking excessive amounts of water

    Hi everyone, We have a hen (Gertie) that is drinking excessively and spilling from her crop. She won't stop drinking water. I'm stumped. If anyone has experience, thoughts, or ideas on what path I should investigate I'd really appreciate it. Details and photos below. Thank you so much in...
  4. khloee

    California white broody or something more serious?

    My California white hen is about 1 year old as of this spring. She was laying eggs really good last fall but then winter came and they all slowed production way down. I never do anything to make them lay over winter. I like to give them a break for all their hard work. Now that it’s peak egg...
  5. M

    Egg Quality Issues

    I’ve had some problems with egg quality in my flock recently, and am hoping someone can point me in the right direction. First, one of my ameraucanas started laying eggs with lots of calcium deposits on top a few months ago (I haven’t actually seen anyone lay, but I’m 99% sure it’s her). She’s...
  6. C

    1 year old EE laying thin eggs

    I have 10 hens and a rooster ranging from 9 months to 1 year old. They are fed flock raiser, have plenty of water, get daily oyster shell and a treat mix that consists of scratch feed and mealworms. One of our EE girls(1 year old) has started laying thin shelled eggs pretty consistently...
  7. sunraysia

    Egg problems :(

    Hey everyone, This morning I went to collect the eggs when one of the eggs appeared to have a dent in it, and a very thin layer of shell. I’ve never had a problem like this before as their eggs have been perfectly fine until now. I’m worried they aren’t getting good enough nutrition, and I’m not...
  8. M

    8 month old hen, bumpy thin shells, getting calcium

    Hi - Yes, another thread about thin-shelled eggs! We have a Black Australorp who is about 8 months old. Her first eggs (she hatched in late summer, started laying about 3 months ago) were very large, but her shells were chalky and bumpy and thin. Now the shells seem to be getting even thinner...
  9. K

    Thin shells in new layers.

    I’ve been feeding a 19% broiler pellet with oyster shells on the side to my mixed flock because I want to avoid excessive calcium in my breeding Boys diets and it’s the closest thing I can get to an all flock feed. I Have broilers arriving Sunday as well. My pullets have been laying for about a...
  10. Aliamelody

    The tiny, small, weak duckling - HELP !

    Hello , friends. Thanks for your guide :wee I 'll try to do better for their food I encountered a problem today, when I was out :( I saw " golab " today , his eyes closed more than ever. He 's ten weeks old , but he 's as thin as a 1day old duckling He has little food and plays a lot when...
  11. Kate Singh

     Eggs with out shells

    We have found yolk in our laying boxes and thought a hen was eating them. Today we found an egg with such a fine shell you could see through it and another broken egg with just a limp cloth like shell. I have been adding Oyster shell to each feeding until recently when I switched to a crumble...
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