
  1. Drumming feet

    Why are people concerned about breeding out certain traits that are not deemed in crosses?

    Hello all. Hope you're having a lovely Sunday. I have studied older breeds and tried to obtain eggs of some old breeds that used to be crossed to make newer breeds. I wanted to specialize in it, though I'm taking in what I can to insure the genetics are very diverse, observing and planning. I...
  2. EnnieM

    Colored Egger Project Breeding

    hey guys! so i’m just looking for some input, outside of my own brainstorming. feel free to pm me if you don’t want to give away your secrets publicly. 😉 i’m preparing to start a project, creating my own breeds of colored eggers. shooting for all green shades, may mess around with blue but only...
  3. AGeese

    Geese Breeding

    Several of you let your geese do their thing, but I'm just wondering why we don't have more breed and trait related geese discussion? With so few available domestics in the states I would think this would be new ground. We're pretty much all raising heritage breeds, but beyond these varieties...
  4. rascal66

    How to make your own breed?

    Is there anything on how to make your own breed of chickens? Like, say I wanted to focus on feather traits, feather coloring, and good eggs laying capabilities. How would one even narrow it down? I also would like to think it would be a very lengthy process.
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