
  1. RadEggs

    Tengo una pregunta

    ¡Hola! Tengo una pregunta por las personas quien hablan Español y tienen gallinas. ¿Como se dicé los nombres de cada tipo de gallina en Español? Silkie Brahma Barred rock Wyandotte Y Polish Lo siento, no hablo Español mucho.
  2. D

    Chicken to English Dictionary

    Our Chicken to English Dictionary A Fluff Piece Translated from the flock at Koenig’s Coop Through my journey with chickens and observing their behaviors and personalities, I have begun to understand their language to some extent. Just like people have different accents, different chickens...
  3. BDutch

    Questions meanings and differences of chicken words

    Hi you all, I am not a native speaker of English and there are some words used in BYC I don’t grasp. Google translate has good answers for general translations but not for chicken language. I hope someone can help me out. Feel free to post you're language questions here too. My questions...
  4. T

    Duck Language Translation

    I have 5 ducks that i bought at a local feed store. Four Males and One Female. they are about 6 months old now and I LOVE them. I am trying to learn their language and there no books that help with this. example: -when they are in the water sometimes one male will tuck their bill down/bob...
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