turken gender identification

  1. RBFchicks

    Turken hatchlings - anyone want to play "guess the mom" and/or "guess the adult color" with me?

    Okay so about a month ago, my beloved Rudy the Turken rooster succumbed to his injuries after fighting off some sort of predator. I'm not sure exactly what happened, but he and one hen were missing at bedtime, couldn't find any sign of either of them anywhere, and Rudy literally hobbled in...
  2. C

    Tom or hen?

    Hey there, I have an 18 week old Royal Palm/Lavender cross turkey and I am trying to figure out if Gloria (super vocal when little, and dramatic like the Hippo, Gloria, from Madagascar) is a tom or hen. Gloria has *postured* when I introduced to my chickens, after a 6 week quarantine, but...
  3. C

    Turken Roo?

    Pretty sure this is a rooster. Thoughts?
  4. happyvelociraptor

    Turkens, OE, CCLB - ~5wks

    Hello again, it's been a while! I recently added 4 more chicks to my flock, if anyone has guesses on gender I would love to hear it! CCLB: pretty positive she's a pullet, but mostly posting cus she's pretty. Turkens: I've never had these before, but always wanted some. Heard they are harder to...
  5. Lovemylilcluckers

    Turken/naked Neck help! Roo or Hen?!

    I’m a first time Turken owner and have 2 seven week old Turkens. They were in a pullet bin when I got them as day old chicks but I can’t seem to figure out if they are hens or roos from all my research online! Whenever I’ve gotten chickens before it’s always been super obvious. I’ve named them...
  6. T

    Turken (Naked Neck) boy or girl?

    We are thinking this is a cockeral. Our birds are 3 months old. This one, Buffy, has a comb and wattles while the others haven't really developed theirs yet. Plus look at those beautiful tail feathers. This is the first time we've had a Turken chicken. But, Buffy's definitely a boy, right?,
  7. Mamaturken

    New mama of Turkens (part turkey & part chicken)

    Do Turkens cluck or do they gobble?
  8. CrackedChickenLady

    Hatched a Turken 5 weeks ago and trying to determine sex.

    About 5 weeks ago we hatched our first egg. It was a surprise breed.... SURPRISE: Turken! although I’ve recently found out there are Turken Bantams as well, I don’t know the distinction at this age. Anyway, my urgent matter at this stage is to figure out the sex. We live in a “No Rooster”...
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