turkey badly injured

  1. J

    Turkey with Wishbone (Furcula) sticking out of chest!

    Long story short my turkey poult I thought was very ill magically got better after a bone popped out through its chest! There was no blood and the skin seems to be normal around the bone. The turkey now seems to be in zero pain, happy & healthy as can be. I've tried wrapping my head around it...
  2. J

    HELP! Turkey poult clavicle bone has broken skin & sticking out of chest!

    I have a 4 week old turkey poult that i noticed a couple days ago wasnt doing well. Very depressed, droopy wings, would just sit under the heat lamp not active like normal. I pulled them out and seperated from the rest. Its been 3 days, Ive noticed tiny bit of improvement, more moving around and...
  3. ShaliniW1985

    Turkey seizure/stroke??

    Earlier my broadbreasted turkey was facing off with one of my roosters through a fence. She was trilling and puffing up to intimidate him. My rooster then pecked at the fence and out of shock, she was sent backwards and she fell on her back. She started flapping and flailing and kicking. Her...
  4. AnotherMeOhMy

    Turkey Burger is still hanging in there!

    Turkey Burger has been healing and been with me for a while now. August has been accepting Turkey Burger more and more. I set their cages next to each other and slowly unveiled obstructions of their views between the cages.(for those of you who have been following my Turkey Burger and August...
  5. AnotherMeOhMy

    Severely broken leg on juvenile turkey

    This turkey is only being treated homeopathic style. She has survived since Oct 29th, so about 2 weeks. Owner tjought she was goung to die but said if I wanted to try and nurse her back to health I could try. So I have. Can so.eine tell me at what point do I allow her back out with the flock...
  6. AnotherMeOhMy

    Turkey fumble. Life or Death?

    Hi there. 2 days ago there was a knock on my door. It ended up being some workman tree cutters trimming the trees on the ranch where I live. They said that there was a small turkey dying out by one of their ladders. Apparently it had a broken leg and the other turkeys were pecking it to death...
  7. N

    Help with polk turkey that can’t walk!!

    Hello, I recently got two turkeys (as my first birds. My first turkey is doing very well, getting large, and has zero health concerns. My other however has started to get a swollen knee (can’t remember what it’s called). I didn’t think much at first but now it’s gotten very large rather quickly...
  8. MrDankYT

    Turkey bitten by fox?!?!

    Today I checked out my turkeyturkey that was walking weird and saw a huge bite mark and it started all when I let my turkeys out of their coop one day and yesterday I spotted a fox sneaking around my chicken and turkey coop so I believe it's the fox. How can i get rid of the fox ( I live in...
  9. C

    Turkey - Eye pecked out!

    Help! I came home to find my bronze orlopp turkey (full size, and my favorite bird in my whole flock) sitting in the snow outside in their run with her head down. Upon inspection we found blood splatters on the side of the coop and the area around her eye had been removed to the bone with her...
  10. M

    Slipped Turkey Tendon - When is it too late?

    One of our turkey poults slipped a tendon about a week ago. Being that we thought it was an ailment other than a slipped tendon, we unfortunately treated for the wrong problem and only now discovered it's actually a slipped tendon. I've read multiple articles and threads, but despite trying all...
  11. 13ChickenGirl

    HELP! Turkey cut vein under wing!!!!

    Please help!!! My young turkey fell from a low tree branch and cut the vein under the wing! He is currently in the laundry room wrapped in a towel with flower on the wound and we are applying pressure with paper towels. The bleeding is slowing down. Is there anything else we need to know when...
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