
  1. P

    Pheasant with twisted leg. Please help! Last attempt to save him.

    Hi, I’ve got a pheasant chick who I thought had spraddle leg, he was hobbled for 4 days and then was able to walk. I noticed when he was about 2 weeks he was twisting in the body over to one side and since then his leg has deteriorated badly. He’s now nearly 4 weeks and his leg sticks out at an...
  2. Chrifister

    Leg twisted 170 degrees?

    It's a batch of 4 turkey poults that are 6 days old. They hatched with some other chicks. They all seemed to be doing fine, everyone looked okay although I haven't closely examined all of them yet. Today my father notices one of the turkey poults seemed to have his leg stretched out behind him...
  3. D

    Duckling gets Twisted neck and seems to have fever... I don't know what to do

    Ok. So I adopted a small duckling I think he is around 5-7 weeks. He was fine th first weeks but two days ago he had some sort of seizure. He would go really tense and his neck twisted and his legs stretched. I thought he was dying. I just took him and soothed his neck and legs and gave him...
  4. AMaggio

    Leg injury, Duck help

    Hi all, I have a four month old Pekin/Mallard mix who has suddenly started limping. I've checked the foot and leg twice now and I know it's not Bumblefoot, there's no injury in sight but the ankle feels a bit swollen compared to the other leg/ankle. I can touch it and it doesn't bother him, he...
  5. Revan

    Help ASAP! Sudden weak chicken with twisted neck.

    One of my teenage Polish hens (about three months old) went from being lively and jumping to being curled up on the ground as if sleeping, but her neck and head is twisted up underneath her breast and she's jerking his head side to side. I've picked her up and tried to straighten her out, but...
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