unhappy hen

  1. Debbie292d

    Hens running away from home?

    Earlier this afternoon, I was outside and saw Charlotte, a 10-month-old silkie hen, walking quickly between our yard and the farmer's field, headed for the road. I yelled at my hubby to look at that, where's she going all by herself? A rooster spotted her and made a beeline to chase after...
  2. LilNoms

    this is a girl, right?

    This is my chicken Hoop, the guy i brought her from said she was an Ameruacana. It’s been 8 months since i got her and she hasn’t laid an egg. I thought maybe she was stressed or something but i don’t think so, because Hoop is my most playful chicken, the way she earned her name is because she...
  3. S

    I have a very unhappy girl

    My Rode Island Chicken is not a happy girl. She is constantly whining, sometimes she gets very loud and starts yelling like somewhat of an alert way. We go into the backyard and nothing is there and she continues. She is very clingy and I’m not sure what to do. The other chicken that lives with...
  4. B

    Broody, unhappy hen-advice?

    Have an ISA brown who is definitely going broody. Has been sitting in the nest box that the majority of the girls use for the last 3 days. She won't come out unless I physically move her. Even forced 2 hens to use a different box today. Today after work I went out and made her get out of the box...
  5. Jonas Fox

    Six-Month-Old Hen Always Has Watery Stool

    Hi fam, This is my first time with chickens. I have four easter eggers and they just started to lay this month. The problem is, one of my girls always has loose stool. I was able to confirm exactly which hen for the first time the other day. This particular hen seems to be the noisiest and most...
  6. Clemmy

    coop small- ladies not so happy.

    I got my coop at TSC and, I have 4 chickens. They are'nt so happy... They often try to get out so My family and I where planning on building an edition to the coop, because the run is small, and they do not seem too happy. Any seggestions for designs/ ideas for the project?
  7. WildCHILD400

    Stopped laying

    Hi there, I have a 9 month old isa brown hen who has stopped laying. She has bumblefoot and I treat her for that (described in my other posts) so she currently lives in a big dog crate in the garage. She gets table scraps every day and I change her straw once a week and clean up any droppings I...
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