upper respiratory

  1. FluffyFeathers_03

    How long does upper respiratory infection last?

    Hi everyone, I have a hen with an upper respiratory infection. I don’t know what kind of infection it is since I’m not bringing her into the vet. It’s my first time with a sick hen, she gasps for air, wheezing, and coughing. Anyways, back to my original question, I was just wondering how long it...
  2. M

    Please HELP- Wheezing Chicken

    My hen started wheezing late this morning, I went to TSupply and got VetRX and Rooster Booster. She ate this afternoon but her wheezing is getting worse. She is slightly open mouth breathing now. I have her separated from the flock in my garage with a brooder heater. I’ve rubbed VetRX on her...
  3. A

    Sick girl

    I got 5 chickens from the flock swap a month ago 4 Isa brown and one rir. Everyone has been fine although we are experiencing cold weather right now. I noticed she would be hunched up and thought to myself I need to get her and isolate but when I would get out to the chicken yard all seemed fine...
  4. Apimacchi

    Treating CRD with Tylan 200

    Hello, New chicken mama here. I just got five young pullets around 12-14 weeks of age around 12 days ago. A few days ago one of them showed signs of CRD. Wouldn’t come off her perch, her left eye was watery/ bubbly and she would keep it shut. Her nasal cleft was completely blocked and vet had to...
  5. AbigaelR

    Thoughts on Mycoplasma

    Hey all this is a bit long but would love peoples thoughts an opinions When I first got chickens I purchased them from a local no-name feedstore. It was so run down and all the chicks were kept in fairly terrible conditions. Of course I had to save them! Fast forward to the chickens being about...
  6. Z

    Missed dose of antibiotics

    So this might be an odd question but I'm brand new to chickens and I had a chick (4 weeks) with an upper respiratory problem so I started her on the 1/10 of tylan 50 2x a day. On the third day she looked better and seemed to be all good so I stopped for day four but the nextnext one of her eyes...
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