
  1. KimbosKluckers

    Venting modifications

    I’m modifying our new coop ventilation (it’s a pre fab) I have something similar to this attic vent laying around (pic below) so I plan to use it and then add 2 more vents somewhere. My question is, should I buy more of these since they can prevent wind and snow/rain from entering? Or is it a...
  2. aimz127

    Disheartened first time chicken owner

    Hi all, I've made a few posts on BYC, but am still fairly new to chickens. This is a bit of a vent post. Lately, it feels like everything that could go wrong with my small flock has. In the last month, I lost 3 of my 8 pullets (1 unknown cause, one crop issue, and the third was coccidia). I've...
  3. M

    Coop venting question

    Hi folks, I used an old dresser I found in a dumpster, and have two questions about the venting: 1. There is a shelf intact, that sits between the lower vent/door and the upper vent (photos attached), and am wondering if this is obstructing proper airflow between them? I can saw it out if so...
  4. TheChiggens

    Venting About Factory Chicken Farming

    I just really needed to vent on this because it gets harder and harder every day to think about. As I am sure you all know hens are being kept in confinement the size of a sheet of paper! Now I don't know how far back someone thought well this seems humane. Yes, I know its a very productive...
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