walking backward

  1. Backyardtut

    Chick unable to walk properly, need help identifying disease/injury/deficiency

    I have a young chicken, about 2 months old. Last week he and one of his siblings began walking on their hock joints. I brought them indoors and made sure they had access to feed and water, they were eating and drinking well. I couldn’t find any injuries. I lost one of them 2 days later. He...
  2. T

    Backing up, Walking Backward 11mos old

    My hen is acting strangely and this is a new behavior. She will back up out of nowhere or start backing up even more than the video shows, walking backward. She does it when no other chickens are around her. It’s new as of this past week. Any ideas? (For some reason the video won’t show up here)...
  3. S


    My chick is 8 days old. It is smaller than the rest and can be very loud. He had feathers but not much. He has struggles with walking as the umbilical cord got wrapped around his leg bu I managed to pry it off so hopefully he will improve. Do you reckon that there is another issue because he...
  4. Thechickentrainer1999

    Shaking head walking backwards?

    I have a white rock hen who is 9 months old and ever since she was about 1 month old she will look down at her feet and shake her head side to side and walk and something run backwards about 5+ feet. It started getting better as she got older and it became rare when she would do it but now she...
  5. S

    Duckling fell and now walking backwards

    Hello, my duckling fell and now she is walking backwards. She is almost an one month old Pekin. Her legs look normal to me but I’m not an expert so that is why I’m coming to you. She also got injured by some ducks/chickens (I’m not sure which.) I am treating that and she seems to be healing well...
  6. Thechickentrainer1999

    Chicken running backwards?

    Ever since my chick was about a month or 2 old, she'll be eating and then looks down at her feet and acts like she's in some sort of hypnotization faze or something. She runs backwards and shakes her head back and forth for about 3 feet. Now she's going on 16 weeks old and still does it off and...
  7. jonalisa

    Hen bowing head, walking backwards - seems to be getting worse

    My Silver Gray Dorking, currently at end of a molt, is approaching the feed then bobbing her head up and down, then taking steps backwards, then forward. It appears neurological. i noticed it in the past weeks once or twice but it was a fleeting, jerky motion. Now she seems to be doing it often...
  8. Master Quaillius

    Why does my quail sometimes walk backwards?

    So since we got my quail 2 months prior, I've noticed that she sometimes runs in reverse. Does this mean anything?
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