weekly updates

  1. P

    Meyer Hatchery: A Raise A long (Black & Blue Copper Marans, Cuckoo Marans, Easter Egger and Olive Eggers Galore)

    Hi all starting this thread pre-emptively as I'll be getting my chicks in the next couple of days. (Anxiously waiting on shipping to be updated as it's been 12+ hours with no movement lol). I know I need to be patient but I'm anxiety ridden cause shipping not being updated has happened on my...
  2. Azulette

    Weekly Growth

    Hi there! I've much enjoyed stumbling upon threads of weekly chick growth/progression so I figured its finally time to throw my hat in the ring! I purchased all sexed pullets and I'm pretty sure I have 1 or more cockerels on my hands (so it goes). I'm a first time chicken owner in a residential...
  3. Chickenwithnobrim

    Weekly growth ameraucana chicks

    Hi! This is my first time raising chicks and i bought 3 ameraucanas; one blue, one black, one splash. Im starting this thread on week 2 but im excited to see how they turn out and would love some guesses on gender and future coloring. So far i think the splash and black are boys, and the blue a...
  4. MysteryChicken

    Malay Chick Growth Thread

    Hello friends, this is where we can watch the peeps I hatched grow up. I'll do weekly updates, if I get a day that'll cooperate with me. Here's the chicks I sexed, & hopefully I'm right about gender. —————————————————————— #1. Cockerel #2. Cockerel #3. Pullet #4. Pullet #5...
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