weird poop

  1. M

    VERY strange "dropping" in coop today

    First year chicken owner here! Went to grab some eggs and noticed this dropping on the "poo deck". Horrified and thought it was a tapeworm from afar but it's as large as their usual droppings and seemed almost like a egg casing? Has anyone ever seen something "translucent" like this or might...
  2. AMOolman

    Help! New chicken mom! Weird poops!

    I have four hens and I believe they all are laying, I got them on Mother’s Day of this year, I noticed this poop this morning under the roost. I have seen poops like this before wondering if there is any answers or if I need to be concerned or not?
  3. BunnyChickenMomma

    Orange Puss in Poop & Egg Laying Pain

    Hello, All! I'm hoping the amazing folks here can help. I took my girl, Thyme, to the vet a week ago because she was lethargic, not eating, and laying shell-less eggs. She is a 22 week old Buff Orpington and her issues started when she began laying about a week-and-a-half ago. She had a TON of...
  4. C

    Not sure what is ailing my 20 week old chicken?

    Background: it will be day 7 of me noticing the fluffed feather area tomorrow (Thursday). At first I thought it was respiratory issues as all of my chickens have sneezing and some sound raspy. They all got the sneeze one after the other. But never had any snotty noses or lethargy. I started them...
  5. Artchickenlover21

    Super lethargic, weird poop

    A few days ago I noticed my buff orpington was acting a little slower than usual. She has been getting worse and it looks like she's having weird bathroom troubles. She strains a lot and only a little comes out and it looks "snaky". I don't believe she is eggbound unless the egg might have...
  6. H

    Weird Duck Poop

    My ducks have started pooping like this since this morning, it’s interesting because they’re just little balls of poop. There aren’t any worms in them, and the ducks are acting totally normal. Is this okay?
  7. witchypaz

    Slimy yellow mass came out with my duck's poop, is this a bad sign?

    hi! my one and a half year old female fawn runner had a normal poop (blue from blueberries lol) and something small, yellow and slimy came out with it. i thought upon first looking that it was a small slug, because it looks and feels like one, but she hasn't eaten any slugs that i know of (we've...
  8. chickenchicklady

    Is this poop something to be concerned about?

    I noticed poop from my 13 week old pullets like this, with weird red stuff in it. Is this something to be concerned about?
  9. froggyphore

    chicken acting lethargic and pooping egg yolk

    one of my hens (cinnamon queen, 2 1/2 years) has been acting lethargic for the past two days. going to bed early and staying in the coop a bit longer, taking long breaks where she stands in the sun, and ruffing her feathers. she didn’t have any other symptoms so i assumed it was the weather...
  10. P

    Sour crop and poop issues

    Hi everyone, My sweet hen Penny has an ongoing sour crop but recently started having unusual poops. I was very worried about her because she wasn’t preening, eating or drinking water and her crop was really bloated. She ended up having a very unusual poop (see pictures). I have never seen...
  11. Squeak61

    Super wierd poop

    Hi everyone, my chicken pooped something really funky today and I wanted to post and see if anyone could spot an issue. She’s acting totally normal, besides a few slow crop issues, but this poop was big, watery, gooey, and stinky. It just didn’t look right. Does anyone have any idea what could...
  12. HuntingChick14

    Small green poop?

    I lost one of my chickens a few days ago and only have one left. She's still acting scared, but she's having small green poops. When I say small, I mean like the size of a nickel. She doesn't seem to be eating much, even though she has plenty of food. I'm not too sure what to do for her. Thanks...
  13. HuskerHens18

    Very ill chickens

    I was gone for FOUR days, and in that short span of time all hell has broke loose. I'm losing chickens like crazy with no symptoms, and now today there are symptoms and I don't know what to do. I had one hen sent in to the University and nobody has called or emailed back yet. Ages range from...
  14. Familyofchicks

    Concern for baby chick that was bought at store!!!

    i recently got 4 new baby chicks at a farm store for my lone baby chick however, one of the chicks I've gotten seem to be very off from the other 3 and my baby chick from home. He seems to sleep a lot more than everyone of them and plays very little. He also poops a mint green color which...
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