when to cull

  1. HenriettaPizzaNolan

    Poll: When is the right time to cull a chicken?

    I have only been keeping chickens for a year (started my flock with older birds) and have had to cull two Golden Comets who developed what I believe was salpingitis. It got so bad and I wanted to put them out of their misery. Right now I have another hen who is having trouble with egg-laying but...
  2. C

    Multiple egg eaters, flock at 50% production

    I have a heavy heart today because it’s become apparent that some naughty hens have influenced the entire flock. I have 12 hens that are all a year old. They were producing great until I hired a caretaker for a few weeks while I took my kids to see family over around break. Suddenly production...
  3. heatherbeast

    Non-Emergency Chick Nursing Question -- How Long Do You Go?

    Hi all, this is a general, non-emergency illness question. I am wondering how long you nurse baby (less than a week old) chicks if they are ill? I occasionally take on surrendered youngsters, and have had mixed results. Some of them have had severe wry neck, others have curled toe, or have...
  4. lancasterflock

    More humane to cull? More humane to live?

    When I first noticed Drew’s crossbeak.. ( Drew, after Drew Barrymore because she talks out of the side of her mouth ❤️ ) she was about a week and a half old. It was slightly curved off to the side of her mouth and I lovingly named her Drew and made plans for her to stay in my flock. As Drew has...
  5. aealbin

    Butchering 17 week old Buff Orps and New Hampshire Reds?

    Hey all, This is my first go round with raising chickens. These chicks hatched 17 weeks ago and I got 6 each, straight run Buff Orps, New Hampshire reds, and Silver-laced Wyandottes. I ended up with 4 BO & NHR roos, and 3 SLW roos. I let them free range but there are just too many and they are...
  6. aealbin

    Butchering 17 week old Buff Orps and New Hampshire Reds?

    Hey all, This is my first go round with raising chickens. These chicks hatched 17 weeks ago and I got 6 each, straight run Buff Orps, New Hampshire reds, and Silver-laced Wyandottes. I ended up with 4 BO & NHR roos, and 3 SLW roos. I let them free range but there are just too many and they are...
  7. Sunshine Flock

    Rooster rescued from a coyote, using Manuka honey

    A coyote grabbed our rooster. I'm vigilantly free ranging the chickens, but "vigilant" is a mixed bag, since a predator can grab and run in the blink of an eye, and within feet of where you're standing. So, I knew they were at risk. Our rooster is a lovely chap, a hired hand so to speak. He...
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