winter ducks

  1. Ronnie_

    Ducks First Snow and Prep Question

    Hi all! Zone 6B and while we’ve have a few nights at 21-29F so far we haven’t had actual winter weather. Sunday we’re slated for some snow - it will be the ducks First! Quick question on prep: Right now the ducks have a 5’x 5’ x 5’ quack shack, that has a foot of bedding (deep litter) mix and...
  2. Ronnie_

    Winterizing Coop and Enclosure Tips

    Hi all, After of first hard frost in zone 6B I’m adding some items to help winterize. Has anyone used foam board insulation inside coops before? My duck house is constructed of OSB walls and 2x4 framing. I was thinking of attaching (mostly screwing into fames) foam boards to help keep in the...
  3. Ronnie_

    Deep Litter Method with Ducks?

    Hi all, Getting ready for winter and was wondering if anyone does the deep litter method for their duck house? I’m looking on doing a modified one for 3-4 months (through winter) to get a bit more warmth in the duck’s house. But they produce more moisture than chickens so the ammonia smell can...
  4. Audreyschickens

    Buying ducks in the winter?

    Hi! I’m hoping to be buying ducks very soon and I’m hoping for them to be laying in summer! But, is it unsafe for me to buy them this time of year? They will be in a brooder in my basement for the first 9ish weeks and then they will move outside. My main concern is that it will be too cold in...
  5. Zolamarie

    First winter with ducks!

    Peggy and Gus ❤️ Hey guys! Ugh I totally haven't posted at all But here I am! My duck, Gus had a partial wing amputation a few weeks ago and just had his sutures removed. Finally back to normal! Last weekend it began to snow and ever since then it's been soo cold! Every morning I give them...
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