winter feeding

  1. MaryKK

    The Girls Have gone Off Their Feed!

    Greetings All! I have a question! We got slammed with untimely freezing weather in late October/early November and it has been below freezing at night since- The girls were naturally slowing down egg production, but after the hard freezes they stopped completely and its been cold. Big snows...
  2. Beccazon

    Winter feed options for cold climates?

    As winter approaches, here in Michigan, I expect free-ranging will be limited if not all together on hold. Not much to forage for in the snow with frozen tootsies! So what are my feed options for winter to increase the flock's nutrients closer to their free-range intake? Sprouting grain I...
  3. B

    worried about winter!

    I'm worried about feeding "crooked" this winter. We have to put water in her food so she can eat it, I also make her scrambled eggs n yogurt. My query is can I keep her food from freezing this winter, I was thinking she may have to stay on the back porch, but there has to be a better...
  4. W

    Hi, and ?s

    Hi We have 11, Rhode Island Red and golden sexlink. Coop @ 6’x8’x8’ @ 4’-8’x25’ and covered by chain link. Should I expand run for next season? Avg 8 eggs/day, even now-(4 12oz scratch and 4 12oz layer feed, morning and afternoon, store bought suet @ 4-5/wk, appropriate scraps). Change...
  5. RachG75

    Bully, bully...

    Help please! I have two 2.5 year old Pekin females that are bullying my 9 month old Runner. I brought her inside last night because she was bleeding on her face in several places (not the back of her neck). I filled the tub and let her have a nice bath and disinfected the minor wounds. She...
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