
  1. S

    Upside down pipping?

    hi! I’m on day 21 with 6 silkies, 3 pipped earlier today and are chirping and moving, the other 3 are still rocking but no pips. 2 of the 3 pips are facing downwards, is this okay? They're within the air sac, just facing the floor of the incubator, I can’t get any good pics.
  2. IHeartChickens10

    Hatching Chick Against Wall

    My chick has started zipping, but my chick that had previously hatched had pushed her up against the incubator wall. She's currently trying to zip while being pressed up against the wall and it's making it much more difficult for her. Will she be okay?
  3. IHeartChickens10

    Please Help With Incubation!!

    I'm incubating chicks for the first time, and I had two pip last night. One has hatched but the other one still has not zipped. There is a hole in the shell and her beak is moving around in there. She keeps chewing at the shell but she doesn't seem to do much more than that. She's been in there...
  4. G

    Quail eggs pipped but not hatching ~29 hours

    Hi all. Not chickens but baby Japanese quails. Have two eggs. One pipped day 21 (yesterday) morning but has not zipped. This was about 29/30 hrs ago. Is it time to intervene. It’s peeping a bit and pipping intermittently. There was a small amount of dried blood on the membrane. Thx Edit Eggs...
  5. TundraFang

    Zipping egg leaking

    So I have an egg that pipped yesterday and has now started zipping. I wasn't home when it started zipping but I came home to it lying in a pool of yellow liquid. It's still alive, I can see it breathing. Anyone know what happened?
  6. I

    egg has started zipping but hasnt made progress in hours

    this is the first egg of the clutch and pipped this morning and started zipping soon after but they have not made any progress in more than 4 hours and the membrane looks like its dry and looks like its going hard humidity is 75-80% and temps are high end of 37c baby is peeping and trying to...
  7. CherryCord

    Manual Incubation Help ASAP

    So I've been letting my broody mama sit on her eggs. I was going to let her hatch them but so far at least 2 to 4 of the eggs that were close to hatching were busted open. I had since discovered that my magpies were going in there and eating the eggs via a camera and catching one with yoke on...
  8. P

    Ducklings hatching

    I have two Ancona duck eggs that have pipped internally over 24 hours ago and nothing since. I also have one that has external pipped over 24 hours ago and nothing since. Advice?
  9. J

    Chick stuck while hatching

    Help needed! I have a chick that started hatching yesterday, April 10, around 0900 (the initial pip), it started to zip in the evening, now it is the morning of April 11 and no progress. It appears the membrane is drying out, making is more difficult for the chick to emerge. Should I intervene...
  10. C


    Hi all, I have indian runner ducks. Its day 29. Some pipped yesterday and 2 began zipping 12 hours ago but not made much progress. One of the ducklings is constantly chirping away, wobbling and keeps pushing at the shell but nothing is coming away. The other starts and stops. Should they be at a...
  11. C


    I have a chick that started zipping about 6 hours ago but stopped and I’m not really sure what to do. I would open up the incubator to help it, but I have 3 other chicks that have pipped and I don’t want to “shrink wrap” them. Should I just wait till the pipped eggs hatch and then help it?
  12. K

    Chick has stopped zipping?

    hello Absolute rookie here, I have an egg that’s pipped at 7pm last night on day 19, it’s broke only bigger hole in the shell since (its 16pm UK time) it’s tweeting and shaking it’s egg like mad and just poking through the small hole ? Since it’s only day 20 - had a mix of polish and bantams...
  13. S

    Pipped, and maybe stuck?

    Hello everyone, this is my first time with the incubator so I am not sure what's normal and what's not. There's one egg (day 21) that pipped yesterday sometime around noon. There are now random pips around the end of the shell, and there's a beak that is obviously breathing sticking out of one...
  14. vivaciouswoman

    HELP!!!! Humidity all wrong!!!

    I’m not sure how this happened, but ive been aiming for 70-80% humidity in my incubator. The lowest it has gone is 66%. We are at Day 14, and air sacs are pitifully small. Is there any way to fix this? Take humidity WAAAAY down for a while? I’m desperately trying to preserve the genetics of a...
  15. Flaisure

    My chick is due today ( day 21) I can hear it chirp, but no pipping

    So I can here my chick chirping in its shell, I don’t see any cracks or anything. Should I just let it be? Should I try and help it? Any advice is much appreciated.

    Pipping but no zipping after 30+ hours.

    I have 4 chicken eggs out of 8 that pipped well over a day ago. Two have been cheeping loudly since yesterday. There has been no progress and no zipping. The humidity is high so I don't think the membranes have dried out, but this is my first time using an incubator AND these were shipped eggs...
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