1 day to go i dont feel confident is this normal?


12 Years
Apr 12, 2007
East yorkshire uk
Iv got one day to go tomorow night will be 21. I dont feel as if they are going to hatch they have all got a chick in as iv seen when iv candeld them before but thay just look as if there not going to hatch sat there should i be expecting any noised movement today or is that just usualy a last min thing? I think i will pass out with exitement if i see one about to hatch am just hopeing non die on me im no good with things like that i will be geting a vet out the second something goes wrong lol.
This time last week I was ready to die! I was a failure! I was going through the never again stage and was planning to sell the incubator on e-bay! It was day 21 and NOTHING! Day 22/23 seven chicks, all is wonderful again..... hang in there mate!
Thats a relif thanks i think if i hadnt got anything on the 21st day that would have been it lol at least i know i can wait the extra few days and still have some luck i was hopeing i would have one early i kep looking into it but there doesnt seem to be any noises or movemrnt.
gavbarker.....I too know the feeling...mine are on day 17
My first try ....nothing....this is my second try. UGH!
Come on babies grow! ( not that I need more chickens, im currently at 40ish) Just wanted to witness the miracle of a hatch. Good luck with yours, be patient...and of course, pics and updates OFTEN from you!
Please don't think of giving up. Some people see movement when candling but I didn't for months of hatching. I would not see the eggs roll, It's the type of incubator I have. The learning experience is invaluable so hang in there and wait it out. It is very hard even on my umteenth hatch. Just make sure your numbers are right. 101 temp still air, 99-100 forced air and humidity is good and high 70% min during the last few days. If all is right and you candled and saw the dark blobs weather they moved or not, you will surely have babies soon. Good Luck.
I could see the chicks quite clear when i last candeld them i didnt see too much movement as i dont like to leave it on the egg for that long incase it gets too hot. my temps exactly right but i dont have a humidity detector so im just haveing to guess witch is makeing me nervious iv had a smallish tub of water in there all the time with water in but now on the last 3 days have had two bigger ones in there so im hopeing that will be enough one of my friends does them dry so i was hopeing that if it is a bit under it wont be a complete loss.
I never saw any of mine move, but then I only had a 40W bulb in a cardboard box! Towards the end I put a couple of aerosol lids in with a strip of sponge washing-up cloth bent like an 'n'. This worked very well. I wish I'd used it right at the beginning as I always had problems keeping the humidity anywhere close to the recommended figure. Just be careful of having spillable water around when they start hatching, it all gets pretty hairy!!
Tats what i used a clean spray lid and a small feed bowl there both too samll for the chicks to get in i did put a sponge pice in but i tested it with the lighter and wen went up in flames straight away and scared me a little so i took it out i know i doesnt get that hot it there but i do get paronoid about things like that lol.

How much spare space will i need in there for them to hatch there isnt that much space left in there only like 2 egg spaces there going to be a little cramped i think so im hopeing they dont hatch at once. I will post a picture later on when i get my camra linked to my lap top.
Oh lord. I know egg-zactly how you feel. On every level.

I was already making plans on where I would get the eggs, and what type, and thinking about getting a hygrometer for once (yeah, I don't have one either). I had everything planned, and so much went so wrong. The first hatch is always the biggest relief in the world, believe me. So, KEEP US UPDATED OR ELSE!!! (I am /sooo/ happy to know that feeling worried out of your mind is normal)

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