10 Day old Wyandotte Not Growing


May 6, 2024
Hello, I am a new chicken mom and I need advice/help! I got three chickens from my local hatchery and when i went to pick them up they gave me an extra!

I got them Saturday, April 27th. Three of them are doing great! But one of my Wyandotte's isn't growing like everyone else. She's about half of the other girls size.

She doesn't have a pasty butt and seems to be drinking but she spends most of her time under the heating plate. She is lethargic, wobbly, and her wing feathers are not held close to her body so they look too long for her.

I've tried electrolytes, probiotics, egg yolk and currently trying nutri-drench.

She seems to have perked up a bit but not much. Am I prolonging the inevitable?

I want her to live but i also don't want her to suffer either! Thank You!
:welcome It sounds as if she is exhibiting failure to thrive. It can be congenital, shipping stress, or who knows what. Sometimes they rebound and start growing. Other times they stall is growth and gradually fade away. Good luck.
:welcome It sounds as if she is exhibiting failure to thrive. It can be congenital, shipping stress, or who knows what. Sometimes they rebound and start growing. Other times they stall is growth and gradually fade away. Good luck.
Thank You!!

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