11 Week Old Easter Egger Gender and Roost Behavior


In the Brooder
Mar 23, 2022

Hey yall we've had chickens for a few years now and we're not sure on this one. We have this 11 week old Easter Egger "pullet" that has a comb/face much redder than the rest of the 8 younger chickens in her flock or of other chickens we have raised in the past. We have a separate small coop and large run for integrating young chickens that is attached to the main coop/run so they can see one another all day before we combine the flocks. This coop used for raising young birds is real small (2.5'x2') for just a few weeks. My wife noticed last night that this bird was on the floor while the other 7 were on the roost. Any info on this bird's gender and roost behavior would be appreciated!
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It is a cockerel. Why it was sleeping on the floor is anyone's guess. In time he'll probably join the others on the roost so long as there is room.
Thanks for the response Jed we were thinking it was a roo as well. But it's our first easter eggers
Agree on Cockerel. Sadly that’s the first EE cockerel we got on accident also! We had to rehome but he was super handsome.

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