Nov 6, 2022
Right now, its 0° outside!!
That's the temp as I type this, and it's not going to improve!
I know chickens do fine in cold weather, but that's on condition that they have certain requirements met. My girls are okay for now
( 2 black sexlings ) but with the wind going to drop this number even more I can't leave them outside. This is our first year with chickens, and I try to follow a lot of advice from this site. I'll probably get reemed for saying this, but I'm going to bring them in at night. I've done my reading and I know it's not the best. I know they have ways to keep warm, But I'm not 100% confident in their coop. I built it myself out of repurpsed lumber. Now there's nothing wrong with it, It's safe, dry , and heated. ( heat lamp is mounted with bolts, Outdoor silicone, and a ring of flexseal for good measure ), so no worries about fires.its got plastic roof panels, as well as shingles so its dry. But the wind is going to be brutal the next few days. I'd rather be safe then sorry. And its only at night for 2 or 3 days. Trial by error right? My wife and i really care about these girls, as they're more like part of the family than farm animals. And she's definitely not leaving them outside lol. Opinions and advice are welcomed, thank you.
No worries in bringing them in if it helps you feel better! They'd probably be just fine outdoors, but peace of mind is worth a lot! Also, as far as heat lamps are concerned, it's good that it is bolted and secured. Having said that, it also needs to be free of dust buildup. The birds are very dusty, and the heat lamp needs to stay free of dust as this can ignite as well. I'd rather bring them in, honestly, than worry about a heat lamp issue. -just me. Good luck with your gals! Ours are pets, too. -love em!!
No worries in bringing them in if it helps you feel better! They'd probably be just fine outdoors, but peace of mind is worth a lot! Also, as far as heat lamps are concerned, it's good that it is bolted and secured. Having said that, it also needs to be free of dust buildup. The birds are very dusty, and the heat lamp needs to stay free of dust as this can ignite as well. I'd rather bring them in, honestly, than worry about a heat lamp issue. -just me. Good luck with your gals! Ours are pets, too. -love em!!
I've been doing insulating and upgrading all day!! And I gotta say it's been a success! I've got most of the wind blocked off, sealed up any small cracks, added straw to the coup and the run, and for good measure fed them oatmeal with dinner to warm them up! ( oatmeal is their favorite lol ). The result of this, is the coup and run are surprisingly warm. Well warm ish lol. But definitely safe for them.

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