2 smaller ducklings arent thriving. updated with pic!!

Thanks for asking, they are still the same size, whereas their siblings are getting their feathers.
Do your white ducks get black stripes on tails and wingtips?
A couple of the bigger ducklings have got these. I thought it may be bruising from where daddy duck grabbed them. Perhaps its a throwback to a gene from whoknowswhere!!
They are getting their voices now so I can possibly safely sex some of them.
Ill keep you posted on the littlies
Thanks again.
Hi all,
Im still trying to find out why some of my white mallards have black markings on them, is this a juvenile thing or are they there to stay??
I need to know as they are nearly ready to sell!
Once in a while one of my white call ducks has a black feather or two, but once they go through their first molt they're gone. Maybe yours have some other color in their background.

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