21 day old chick holding mouth open.crusty stuffwredbump HELP!


12 Years
Aug 20, 2007
I am brand new. Please help. 21 Day old Araucana Chick is holding her mouth open. Looking distressed. She is half the size of her siblings. They came in the mail. all others appear to be healthy.

At first I thought she was just hot. But then saw all this dried up crust in her mouth. We have dipped water into her mouth and she does eat and drink. But it dries out because her mouth is held open. I took her to the vet. But it cost me $280 and I can not go again. They said she had a respiratory disease and told us to give her two antiboitics. They are: Itrancolcee and the other does not have a name on the bottle.

We have been giving them now for about 6 days but she does not appear to be any better. She is still keeping her mouth open and then it gets dry and crusyt. In addition, today I noticed this red bump thing on her tongue. I looked in my other chicks mouths but don't seem to see anyting similar. Could she have a tumor?

I read about gape worm, but the vet looked in her throat and did not see one and also she has never been outside or eaten anything but chick starter.

I try to give her water and pick it out but she seems to be in distress. She does peep and makes pretty constant chick noises. She does eat a little and seems to move ok. But she is very tiny and appears to be uncomfortable. My daughter says her crop does get full, but I think that she seems to have trouble eating and drinking. She does peck and stuff and does try but she is so tiny.

I have seperated her from other chicks. She has never been outside and has only been fed water and chick starter. Both of which are fresh daily and seem to be just fine by other chicks. She seems warm enough and comfortable except for this open mouth thing. It is weird and I feel so sorry for her.

She chirps all the time. I don't know if this is because she is happy that we are always holding her or if she is upset and is chirping.

Any advice. Please give me your best ideas as I can not afford another trip to the vet and they just want more money.
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The open mouth breathing is very bad. are you keeping her nares cleaned off also? warm water (or saline) and a q tip will work ok. Get her out of a regular cage-- go to walmart and get a see- thru plastic storage bin. drill holes all over the top for ventiliation and use layers of unshredded paper towels for the bottom- no shavings or hay/grasses right now-- removing anything that carries dust or has a scent will reduce the amount of stress on her respiratory system. I don't know what that antibiotic is-- did they put the name of the other medicine on your bill?
$280--WOW. I worked as a vet tech for 10+ years and cant imagine just an exam and meds cost that much. Some URI may not be bacteria, but instead are virus and must run their course. AB's are given to treat any secondary infections that may occur. I agree with Heather. Just give her supportive care and cut down on any possible nasal irrantants. Keep her warm and hydrated. a tumor is not out of the question. Is it large enough to interfer with her breathing?

I hope she pulls though for you.
also, did they take X-rays? for $280 they should have. Call the vet and ask them how they decided it was a respiratory infection and not a physical defect. The fact that only one is ill makes it more likely to be a physical problem and not a primarily viral or bacterial one. Chicks are also very susptible to aspirating food/water into their lungs and that is a possibility since only one is sick.
oops typo. $180. But still quite expensive and no Xrays. I hae put a call back into the vet to see what to do.

Does anyone have any other stuff I should try to give her other than chick food and water?

Also, is it ok for me to try and pick out that dried up crust. I think it is her food but I guess it could be a fungus. She is pecking but not eating like the others and as I said, they have all grown to look like those teenage chicks (kind of tall and awkward) and she is still a tiny little puff ball. But sooo sweet. SHe just nestles in my hair and sits with us as much as we let her.
yes...dilute some iodine and dip a q-tip in and then gently swirl to get the gunk out of her mouth...your bird may very well have needed the antibiotics (dont know what tests or such they did to determine that) however many times candida (also called "thrush" > a yeast infection) will also be present and the antibiotics will make that worse...it needs nystatin or such (an antifungal med)... vit A deficiency also causes such placques so give her additional vit A (you should be able to find some in a vitA liquid vit formulation for babys at your drugstore)... insist your vet look candida albicans and give you the appropriate med for that ...

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