A couple of questions

I should have thought of that myself. Funny thing is, I was just reading the post about "stupid chickens". Guess I am giving them some competition.:eek:
I found it. I sent him a PM asking more about the place. I hope that is not considered unpolite. What I am looking for is a place locally to buy pullets, hens, chicken feed, etc.
I don't think it is unpolite, if he was talking about it, I am sure he wants you to come buy your feed, chickens etc from him!
I don't think it is unpolite, if he was talking about it, I am sure he wants you to come buy your feed, chickens etc from him!

No, he wasnt selling anything, he was answering a question for someone else about slaughtering chickens. The name of the place is called Harris County Farms. I cant seem to find it online. We will see how it goes. Its aggrevating waiting on an insurance adjuster. I am really wanting to get my fences repaired and the chicken coop built. I just went out to our back pasture and someones calf is in it. I am gonna let it eat a while then see ifin I can find its owner. That is something we are going to do next spring, get 3 steers. the idea is raise 3, take two to market, put one in the freezer.
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