Added a pen to the coop for our new additions!


Jan 29, 2022
South Carolina USA
Saturday morning we added a larger run on our coop since we expanded our flock!! Our current 4 free range and only use the coop to sleep, but we plan to keep our new 4 contained to the coop/run during the day until they are used to our current flock and everyone gets along! We did this in only 4 hours and on a budget!!
It’s NOT predator proof, but the actual coop (it’s an open air style) is. We haven’t had any issues with predators but I wanted somewhere to separate the young flock from the older flock at first, plus I wanted more daytime space if there’s days we can’t free range everyone for whatever reason!

We’re going to see how the tarp holds up. We wanted half the run to be shaded/rain proof while the other side gets sun/rain and figured this was the easiest way. If the tarp doesn’t hold up we will try something else! It does slope and should drain water behind the shed!


We made this chicken door into the run this morning as well, I just need to run to the hardware store and grab a latch since the one we got is too small.

The coop is 5x8ft and has 15ft of roosts and the pen is 7x12ft!! Our current flock is 4 Polish hens and we have 4 two week old chicks(hopefully pullets) but any roosters won’t be staying.

I want to add some low roosts and things to climb on in the pen since the new chicks will be contained for a while. Don’t want them to get bored!

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