
In the Brooder
Oct 2, 2021
Hi can i have some advice I have owned a male fantail as a pet for a good while he is shy but a real darling and we decided to get him a wife another Indian fantail lovely little thing all white he instantly started doing dancing and cooing as well as puffy up but attacked her and i soon realized he saw me as completion so i make sure he don't see me all he seems less aggressive with her but this is her first breeding or courting of anything of the sort ever and she just seems so confused and doesn't know what's happening she was also slow blinking which do not know what that means if anyone can help me breeding isn't that big a deal for me I mostly want out pair them so they have companionship and to get along well as my male always seemed lonely and wanted affection I always research well but I am still left with questions any help please or advice i honestly am kind of lost thanks a ton in advance
:welcome Provide space and time and they will work things out. Make sure that she is getting enough to eat and drink and can get away from him if necessary.
:welcome Provide space and time and they will work things out. Make sure that she is getting enough to eat and drink and can get away from him if necessary.
thanks a ton I keep birds as pets so need them staying happy as that is my goal she has the main cage and I removed him for the nice doing bit better together again but she just seems confused thank so so much i love my animals and thank you for helping me keep them happy!

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