Ancona hatching eggs

Sorry, I didn't realize. Is there a reason why you want hatching eggs over chicks?
I live on small Caribbean island so it would take too long for live chicks to get to me, but i can order hatching eggs and have them sent over by air freight within the time that the eggs can still be viable. I have had moderate success already. I have already gotten 1 black copper Maran, 1 buff Orpington, 1 brown leghorn and 9 Rhode island reds to hatch already. Where i live you can only get red-sex links or wild chickens, so i hope to get a couple breeding groups of each group going in order to offer chicks to anyone else who would like more colorful egg layers.
I know this is an older post, but just in case... I got my Ancona from
they also sell hatching eggs. I don't see Ancona specifically, but you can call and possibly request them if you're getting others.

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