Ancona hen with HUGE wattles and comb...


Aug 5, 2020
East Bay, CA
She is my only white egg layer, and has been laying last year and just started up again. I know Anconas are supposed to have big floppy combs but hers are gimongous with super big wattles(see photo) and she looks like a rooster! She has also started to boss the other chickens around more. She is still technically a pullet but a is year old in early April, started laying in September, took a break and started up again the last couple weeks. I have heard that in the absence of a rooster some hens might have some hormone changes...could anyone confirm or provide more info? No crowing or anything, just does her normal egg song when she lays.


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Ancona chickens are known for the massive combs, even on female chickens, making them hard to tell if it is a male or a female.
That is indeed a female chicken because no saddle feathers. There's nothing wrong with her, she just has an impressive comb and wattle! 😊

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