Any ideas....


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jul 10, 2007
Now that they are feathering out some..... can you tell by the pics, what kind of bantam's they are??




This is suppose to be my blue/ green egg layer, do you think that is right? And then behind her a white silkie? And to the side, a chochin?


I know.... can't see her to good. Suppose to be a black frizzle. How can you tell that it will be a frizzle? When do the feathers start to frizzle?
second picture looks almost exactly like one of our ameracuanas/easter egger(blue and green egg layers) at that age.

by the way...your pics are too big....can you down size them?
Hi! Your son's cute! Frizzles should be obvious as soon as they start feathering out. But I believe that as many as 25% of them will have normal feathering, or I was told. I was lucky, I ordered only 2 and both are frizzled.
first one looks like a Barred bantam cochin. In the second picture, the white looks like a silkie, the other to the left looks like a partridge, and the one to the right looks like a silver sebright.
My black cochin frizzle bantam started to "frizzle" as soon as her feathers started coming in (within the first 10 days you could see that her wing feathers were going to curl up and out). I couldn't see your pictures because they were too big in order to make a comparison...sorry

PS. I went back in and the pictures are normal size now...yeah!!! My frizzle looked much different than yours (feathers sticking out all over the place).
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I have dial up - the pictures were to big and would not load.
I right clicked and looked at the properties and it said the first picture measured 3072X2304
Depending on what photo soft ware you have it should not be hard to shrink.
It should give you an option when you click on image size to shrink by persentage I would go for at leat 50%
Or it will have you change the numbers by half.
3072/1536 in 2304/1152 THATS STILL A GOOD SIZED PICTURE.
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I had to right click and use properties to open them in another window.
The first one is a partridge cochin
Second is a Silver Seabright and a Silkie
The third looks like a black rosecomb definatly not a frizzle. Here is my black frizzle at about the same age


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