Any thoughts on creating a duck pond with a 200 gallon stock tank as a duckponics filter?


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 8, 2010
Manassas, Va
I know there are countless threads on here for duck ponds and duckponics, but I've been having a hard time sorting through them all. I bought a 200 gallon stock tank to use as a duck pond a couple of years back, but had one of my chickens fall in and drown. (It's 2' deep x 6' circle.) I was originally going to sell it on Craigslist and create a pond using flexible pond lining and make the slope very gradual and with rocks so that the chickens don't fall in if they're interested in a drink. In thinking how to best filter the pond (with the stock tank I was just draining it out when it got gunky, but that was too frequently) I thought it might be worthwhile to use the stock tank sitting on ground level with some kind of cover or netting to keep the flock out of it, and pump the water from the duck pond into the stock tank, maybe filled with various plants and filter media, then back into the duck pond. The pond I would make with the liner would probably be something like 6-10' x 10-12' and have a gradual slope at the front with a maximum depth of maybe 18"-2' at the back. Does anyone have experience with a similar type of system, see any red flags in my idea, or have any suggestions of any kind?

Thank you so much for any and all assistance!


P.S. the flock currently consists of 3 Welsh Harlequin hens and a drake, 3 Golden Buff hens, and 5 chickens (who probably will not be replaced as they die off. I much prefer the ducks!) I am planning on ordering 3 Cayuga ducklings this summer. They currently use a tiny baby pool as their pond, so whatever I can provide with this project will be worlds better than what they have now.
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I just did a new search for duckponics your post popped up. I am going to do a duck ponics this season Below is my first draft design.

also a photo showing the pond now
So it turns out I was mistaken on the size of my stock tank, it's 400+ gallons. Decided to just go with that as the pond, and got a 95 gallon stock tank as the filter. I'm not so interested in doing duckponics for food for myself, just think I'll add as many plants as possible to the Skippy filter to help filter the water and create supplemental food for the ducks.

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