Is apple cider vinegar mixed with the water enough for coccidiosis prevention? I am getting an order of chicks from Cackle, and I was hoping I wouldn't need to vaccinate or feed medicated feed, if I can get away with it. I have lost a couple of leghorns in the past to what I think was coccidiosis, I bought them from another person as just started laying pullets and none of the other chickens seemed to be affected by it. Maybe it wasn't coccidiosis, but I am pretty sure it was. I don't want my new chickens to get it, but I also would rather not give uneeded medications. Also, will it help with worm prevention as well? And what should the apple cider vinegar to water ratio be for chicks up to full grown birds? I had a three gallon galvanized waterer for my last chickens, but it has a hole rusted through it, so I am planning to buy some plastic waterers just so I can give them apple cider vinegar water w/o rusting the metal.