April hatch-along


7 Years
Jul 3, 2012
Hi everybody . Set 16 phoenix eggs last night from my flock of silver and golden phoenixs . This will be my 3rd hatch in a row of this breed. Starting to get some nice colors from the first hatch at 4 months old now. Eggs have all hatched early at day 18 or 19 from the first two hatches . Finally broke down and bought an egg turner. So is hatching eggs really addictive or just fun to do?
I'm waiting on my first hatching attempt eggs to arrive today - so I'll be setting them tomorrow (based on advice to let them settle at room temperature for about 18 hours). While I can't say how addictive hatching is yet, it certainly is exciting!

Phoenixes are beautiful, I bet you are excited :)
Set 42 eggs yesterday, my biggest bunch ever! 24 RIR eggs, and the rest are mixed EE from my flock. I lost 51 birds last year to animal attacks and disease, so these birds are going to help rebuild my flock. :woot It's not the hatching I'm addicted to as much as the baby chicks. :p
I have 18 LF Frizzle Cochins that'll hatch on April 4th.
And today I set 4 Jubilee Orpingtons, 12 Chocolate Orpingtons, and 6 BBS Orpingtons. They should hatch on April 18th!
Temperature holding steady at 99.7. Since I have so many eggs, I'll be candling in shifts, 14 on Monday, 14 on Tuesday, and 14 on Wednesday, days 5, 6, and 7 respectively. When do you candle?
I was planning to candle Day 4 for my education but not tossing anything unless I have a stinker (which I gather is unlikely this early on). Then Day 10 and 14 for further experience. I'm not sure how often I can check without harming the eggs, so I figured that would be a good start for first candling :)

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