Are ducks ok to swim in water that has RoosterBooster poultry cell mixed in ??


Expecting Miracles
Premium Feather Member
Aug 9, 2020
i added 1 ounce per gallon to all their water buckets and water tubs today. There’s a couple of the water tubs big enough that they’re able to jump in and swim is that all right? By the way, I don’t think they like the taste of it. They’re not eating the Mazuri waterfowl feed that I put in some of the buckets 🧐
they’re being silly because now they’re eating out of the feeders that have the nature wise AllFlock pellets, but they still have to walk over to sip the water from the buckets anyway lol silly birds
If it is safe for them to drink, it is probably safe for them to swim in as well.

But why are you putting it in all the water sources? Are you trying to treat some specific problem?

My experience is with chickens rather than ducks, but the usual advice about supplements in water is to provide a source of plain water as well, and to use supplements only when needed not all the time. (That's why I asked "why" you are doing this: if there is a problem, or if there is a duck-specific reason, then of course you would do it differently. But if this is just in case it might help avoid non-specific problems in future, I would provide plain water as well and let them choose which to drink.)
If it is safe for them to drink, it is probably safe for them to swim in as well.

But why are you putting it in all the water sources? Are you trying to treat some specific problem?

My experience is with chickens rather than ducks, but the usual advice about supplements in water is to provide a source of plain water as well, and to use supplements only when needed not all the time. (That's why I asked "why" you are doing this: if there is a problem, or if there is a duck-specific reason, then of course you would do it differently. But if this is just in case it might help avoid non-specific problems in future, I would provide plain water as well and let them choose which to drink.)
Yeah I never did it before but 2 of my runner ducks are now molting and one of those two is blind in one eye and is the lowest in pecking order the other has been having a weird hiccupping type problem on and off and its getting down in the 20's overnight now, so I started giving (just those 2 ducks) 1 ml each of rooster booster by syringe in the mornings just for the last few days and it seems to be helping, but they hate being caught and syringed so I figured just for today I would try adding the poultry cell to the waters and let everyone get some. ETA AANND It would be too expensive to add that stuff to their waters all the time:)
OK I just brought out a fresh bucket of pure water… apparently 4 out of 5 ducks prefer plain water over the vitamin kind lol


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OK I just brought out a fresh bucket of pure water… apparently 4 out of 5 ducks prefer plain water over the vitamin kind lol
Often times vitamin supplements can leave a flavor in the water. If they aren't used to the taste, they'll automatically go for the water they normally drink because it tastes better to them. Same thing with horses! Some horses only like drinking water from one location and their owners have to jump through a lot of hoops if the horse ever has to travel.
OK I just brought out a fresh bucket of pure water… apparently 4 out of 5 ducks prefer plain water over the vitamin kind lol
For the ducks you were worried about: is one of them drinking the vitamin water? If yes, then maybe you can just put out both kinds of water and let them decide.

Yeah I never did it before but 2 of my runner ducks are now molting and one of those two is blind in one eye and is the lowest in pecking order the other has been having a weird hiccupping type problem on and off and its getting down in the 20's overnight now, so I started giving (just those 2 ducks) 1 ml each of rooster booster by syringe in the mornings just for the last few days and it seems to be helping, but they hate being caught and syringed so I figured just for today I would try adding the poultry cell to the waters and let everyone get some. ETA AANND It would be too expensive to add that stuff to their waters all the time:)
Ah, that does make sense. I can see why you would try that.
For the ducks you were worried about: is one of them drinking the vitamin water? If yes, then maybe you can just put out both kinds of water and let them decide.

Ah, that does make sense. I can see why you would try that.
yes! The one in the picture that’s drinking the vitamin water is one of the runner ducks that’s molting I haven’t seen my half blind baby make a choice yet , but maybe the ones who need the extra vitamins somehow know that they need them just like the ducks know when they need oyster shells or grit? ( the picture only shows five of my 12 ducks.)

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