Assorted bantams in question?

These probably come from Ideal or Privett. TSC uses multiple hatcheries.


1. Black frizzled Cochin.
2nd photo and 9: mottled d’Uccle
8: Barred OEGB or rock.
7: red Pyle OEGB
8: black breasted red or spangled OEGB
4: crele OEGB cockerel
5: silver duckwing OEGB
2 and 6 could be Mille Fleur d’Uccle or buff Brahma but 6 looks more bulky to me like a Brahma.

All the chipmunk chicks look like OEGB but if they came from Privett could be Dutch. The forgotten chick looks like a cockerel.
I bought some assorted bantams from TSC (Hoover Hatchery supplies them) and most I can figure out (silkies are easy) but these have me stumped especially #9 .. hard to tell in the pic but #7 is a really light silver even though it looks yellow in the pic. Please
I know you posted in March but #9b looks like my mottled serama when she was a chick

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