Attaching files and dropping image problems???


Positive Chick
Premium Feather Member
Sep 13, 2022
Central Arkansas
No matter how many times I click attach files or drop will not take me to my photos to attach or drop them ..unsure if my phone is having trouble or if it is a site issue?? Anyone else having issues? Plz HELP???
My phone dose it every so often but I re-fresh the page.
I'm also having problems just like that! Idk what to do!!!!!
I usually use the web version on my iPad the few times I've used that as I am normally on a PC. So, I tried this using the app on my phone and it worked.

First, I hit Reply to something, then had to scroll up so I could see and click the Attach Files button.


Then when I clicked Attach Files, this came up.


I chose Photo Library, and my photos came up with a message about only Safari having access to the pictures (not sure what that meant) but I clicked two pictures to upload and it did it.

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