Best compression gloves for aching hands


Silkie Mom
Project Manager
Premium Feather Member
Jul 22, 2021
EC Wisconsin
My Coop
My Coop
Do any of you who do crafts like crocheting, painting, etc., have sore hands or arthritis and wear compression gloves? I type from home for a job and an old hand injury is starting to ache so I was thinking of buying some compression gloves, but looked on Amazon and there are so many choices. I'm lost and was hoping someone else uses them and could recommend which type or brand. Thank you!
I used to wear them at night until I got neuropathy going through chemo and I can no longer tolerate them. I do wear wrist guards at night which helps my carpal tunnel, and don't aggravate my nerves.

Depends what you are looking to help. You may have to try a few to find what feels right for you. I used to use the Thermoskin brand. They worked well. Warmed my joints, provided some compression on the hands as well as the adjustable Velcro strap on the wrist. I did try a few others but they often would pinch or bind up. Been a few years since I bought them, so not sure if the quality is still good or not.
Do any of you who do crafts like crocheting, painting, etc., have sore hands or arthritis and wear compression gloves? I type from home for a job and an old hand injury is starting to ache so I was thinking of buying some compression gloves, but looked on Amazon and there are so many choices. I'm lost and was hoping someone else uses them and could recommend which type or brand. Thank you!
My dad has very severe Raynaud's syndrome, so i bought him some gloves similar to these,aps,81&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1

he says it really helps him.
Thank you all, this helped immensely. I'm down to three choices now instead of thousands. I'll research each a bit and order one or two of them to see which works best. It's mostly the right hand as I broke 3 bones in it 20 years ago. And yes, need ones with no fingertips so I can type. ☺️

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