best pets


12 Years
Apr 18, 2007
What are the best breeds of chickens to get for pets. I live in fort worth tx.
I'm no expert, as I have one breed and they are my first experience with chickens. However, I have silver laced wyandottes... picked them bc they were reputed to have a great, friendly disposition. And they do! They are so friendly and love to be handled at only 6 wks. I am getting so attached to them. They love my little boy too, who is only 4.

Good luck!
Here's a web site that may help you.
I have a long list of favorits and they are
Australorps for eggs and great companions
Standard Cochins they are so sweet and kind
Rhode island red hens no roosters aggressive ive never met nor heard of a nice rhode island rooster
Standard Brahmas are very sweet too!!!!
MYpetchicken seems to be a very nice site for at a poultry show i meet them and they had some of my chickens pose for the camera so you might see some of my babys on there:lol:
my 'most' friendly hens are my Light Brahma, my Wyandotte ( gold laced) and my New Hampshire Red. they all come running when they see me & dont mind getting handled.

my hens that are the hardest to catch & I call them 'antisocial' are my Barred Rock & my Americanas. They put up a pretty good chase.
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My most friendly hen is Lily a Golden Commet. I got her when she was 1 1/2 years old. She wasnt handled much before that in a large flock. She lets me pick her up now and doesnt try to run away. I got her sister Lucy ,friendly, not quite as much. My Barred Rock teenagers got them at 4 months not near as friendly but they are getting there. They are spoiled rotten chickens,go nuts when they see me coming. Never knew there could be such a thing.

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