Best quail for eggs


11 Years
Jul 16, 2008
So I've been looking into getting some quail but since I wouldn't ever eat them I wanted Quail for eggs. My dad's boyfriend loves quail eggs and it would be nice to bring him some. So I was wondering which quail would be the best to get for egg laying purposes. Also do they lay all year long or just seasonally or can you trick them the way you can ducks and chickens?
Cortunix I believe are the best layers mine can get anywhere from 1 to 12 a day for 14 birds right now i am down to 9 because of my sweet lovely kitty who thought they tasted good. She has stopped after many of swats and told no.
My Jumbo Browns are awesome egg layers! They lay 1-2 eggs a day per bird.
Yup... Coturnix. My little girl started laying at 5.5 weeks, and has only missed one or two days since.
They're nice big eggs, too.
xld or Xld1's are Coturnix that are bigger and heavier than the regular coturnix's, almost a pound in weight., i got some XlSxjumbo in the bator right now hatching saturday.

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