Bigger the bird, better for show?


Premium Feather Member
May 29, 2023
Canada 🍁
Hi all,
I’m sort of new to showing chickens, mainly Australorps, but I’m starting to show silkies this year. Anyway, I have a new pulley and she is basically the definition of SOP, but she is fairly small for her age. I am wondering if this will bring her show score down? I don’t have any pictures of her but I will update later.
Thanks in advance!
The judges pick birds that match the Standard weight, not too big, not too small. While they don’t have scales, they can compare the birds to other breeds and each other:
Australorp pullets are supposed to be 5 1/2 lbs.
If she is is much smaller than that, she won’t do well.
If she is 20 percent smaller or smaller, she will be disqualified. Many hatchery birds would be disqualified because of this, but judges rarely do it.
The judges pick birds that match the Standard weight, not too big, not too small. While they don’t have scales, they can compare the birds to other breeds and each other:
Australorp pullets are supposed to be 5 1/2 lbs.
If she is is much smaller than that, she won’t do well.
If she is 20 percent smaller or smaller, she will be disqualified. Many hatchery birds would be disqualified because of this, but judges rarely do it.
Ok, thanks!

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