Blue Wyandottes


12 Years
13 Years
Jan 25, 2007
I've seen the blue laced reds, but are there any blue wyandottes to be had in the USA? All the pics of them on feathersite are from germany. Are they not raised here?
CAn you believe I saw some really nice ones at an auction out in the middle of nowhere in Al. I don't know who owned them but they had blue and splash and they were so pretty. I didn't know what they were at first cause I did not know there were any Blue Wyandottes. Apparently there are some in the USA. The Auction was three weeks ago.
While breeding Blue to Blue, you will get Blue, Black and Splash.

I've seen Blue Wyandottes for sale at 1-2 hatcheries. Im not positive which ones they were thought. Sandhill and Privett maybe? I forgot.
I hope you can find some. I don't have any Wyandottes but do admire the breed. I would love to have some golden laced but trying to keep the number of breeds down to 3. Of course that includes different colors of what I have.
Blue wyandottes are rare, we got 2 hens for a genetics project and they ended up costing about $50 each, they came from a breeder in Ohio. The black wyandottes are kinda hard to find to but if you can find one, cross it to a BLR, you should get solid colored blacks and reds, then just keep crossing back to blacks and you will have your own strain. The blues are much more common in bantams.
Wow, 50 dollars? I should have bought those at the Auction. They were standards and very nice quality chickens. Hmm. I am going next weekend again, maybe i can find out who has them or maybe there will be more there for sale.
Well, that is great momma. I bet your hubby will let you have a few more. I have people ask me all the time "How many chickens do you Have"?. I always say " I don't know, and I am not counting them. However many you see in these pens is how many I have." That way I am not under pressure to downsize anymore. I do know how many are here or there but I don't add the numbers even in my head.
There is a back yard breeder here in Pa I got some from here in Pa for FREE. He said they were too small for breeding stock so they were useless to him. I went to pick them up and he gave us the most beautiful roo I think I have ever seen to go with them and 4 buff brahama hens and 2 roos to go with them that he had and said were also too small for breeding show birds. To small they were the biggest dang birds I have. The BLRW is as big as a small turkey! If I can find his number I will give it to you. maybe he would sell or even give you some if you called. Really nice guys they were and such beautiful birds.

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