Breeders? I have ?'s about crosses and breeding

Wow. This is all so very interesting to me! My DH wants me to try to make a Buff Comet (cross between a RIR and Buff Orp) because he thinks that would be so pretty. Think its possible? (I have an RIR roo and a Buff pullet)
I have nothing to add, but just wanted to say that this thread is extremely interesting. Since discovering I had a roo (who made his very first mini-crow at 4 weeks, the good boy! He's now moved to a pathetic 3-syllable crow every morning about 10 times in a row at 8 weeks) I've been picturing the crosses in my head.

I know nothing of genetics/dom traits in chickens whatsoever, so it's been difficult trying to guess what I might get, but the idea of mutts is very appealing to me!

Sorrry to hijack the thread, 4h, hope ya don't mind, but I was just curious about bantams. The idea of having a standard size roo (Golden Campine) and my 1 bantie (silkie) was a bit scary for me, but I know I've seen chicks sired by a standard, hatched by a bantie. I'm guessing if this did happen, the chicks would be banties because of the size of the eggs and space for this right? Or am I completely off base?! Is it too dangerous to breed a standard roo and a bantam hen? Seems like a full grown roo could do some real damage! Still, the idea of Golden Camp/Silkie crosses seem unbearably cute in my head. Again, know nothing of the genetics involved, so the image in my head is probably way off!!

Anyone have experience breeding Golden Camp roo with any of the following: black sex-links, Delaware, SLW, white Silkie?
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First a Golden Comet is made by crossing a RIR with a Rhode Isl White, I think. Buff Comet? Red to gold, I dont know if that gives you any sexlink because in genetics, basically, red and gold are the same thing.
Jsto, most banties are hatching standard eggs that are put under them, not that they are the actual mothers. It would be inadvisable in most cases to put a standard roo with a banty hen. They do enough damage with their own hens and it ain't pretty. Honestly, I don't know anything about Golden Campines besides what they look like, the actual weight, whether it's a small standard or medium size. And I dont know what that would produce-it's a question for a real genetics person.
Thank you, speckledhen. I figured as much, but could swear I saw a picture of a chick on here with a caption like 'proof that silkies get along with standard roos.' Even if it was possible, I think it'd give me a heart attack. How on earth do I keep him away from her other than just seperating him completely, which I'd hate to do?
Here is a RIR/Buff Orp cross pullet, with the RIR being the sire-she is the orangey red one in the photo. She has pinky legs like her mother. I dont have that cross in a cockerel, though, but I've known someone who has and if I remember, he was just really red with gold in his hackles. She is laying now and a very large girl-you can really tell the Buff Orp influence in her.

Jsto, I guess you just have to watch what happens with her. If he isn't really huge, maybe it will be okay, but I wouldn't put them in a breeding pen where he had more concentrated access to her.
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OOOO I love crossbreeds
Some I'd like to see:

Phoenix (or Yokohama) crossed with EE...Imagine the color combo and long tails

Phoenix(or Yokohama)/La Fleche, I'd really like to develop a La Fleche with a Phoenix/Yokohama tail. Keep the La Fleche's distinct comb, of course, and hopefully their color.

I already have a accidental Silkie/Phoenix.Named Hiro (like the show heroes) it's a little sweetheart !! So far Hiro is feathering out like a Phoenix, but it has, Silkie feet, including feathering on the feet. It has a light blue beak and comb. I think Hiro may be a girl...but I'll still keep the name.
Anyway here are some pics..



MMMM I know my post didn't help with your question, 4-H...just had to share...
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Ahhh!!! I love Hiro! I just want to give him/her a cuddle and say 'yatta!!!!'

Incidentally, how did your Silkie fare in that little coupling?

Also, to add to my questions about Golden Campine on a Silkie, just been reading up on the breed and apparently he won't be that big--small, 4-5 lbs.
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Ok, so that may not be a problem then. Just keep an eye out, as anyone would want to anyway, for bare backs, etc. I have had several accidental crosses, and except for Meg, all with Barred Rock mothers. The sires were Silver Phoenix, EE and Cochin/Silkie cross.

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