Broomstick method on heavy bird?


9 Years
Jul 16, 2014
Norman, OK, USA
Hi, I've read though many posts... I've used the broomstick method to put chickens to rest when needed, but this time I have a hen who is heavy. She has ascites and also a mass in her abdomen. šŸ˜¢
I'm worried it might be very painful for me to hold her upside down before laying her down on the ground. Can anyone speak to this?
Thank you.
Hi, I've read though many posts... I've used the broomstick method to put chickens to rest when needed, but this time I have a hen who is heavy. She has ascites and also a mass in her abdomen. šŸ˜¢
I'm worried it might be very painful for me to hold her upside down before laying her down on the ground. Can anyone speak to this?
Thank you.
I use this method to put down sick and dying hens.
I don't hold them upside down before laying them down on the ground. I have my area ready with broomstick or whatever tools or supplies I feel I may need. When I go get my hen, I gently hold her, talk to her and love on her while walking to the area. Once I'm to my prepared area, I just lay her on the ground and take care of business.

I'm sorry that you face this, it's always a sad time.
Thank you. It is a sad event. I do the same with my birds too - a quiet, special time before helping them enter their final rest.
I've never held them upside down to do this either, but I suddenly wondered about it after reading others say it has worked for them. I've decided I'm just going to proceed as usual.
RIP sweet Omega. šŸ’—šŸ’“

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