Buckeye Trees and Chickens, Help


May 16, 2024
Hello, I just started raising 3 chickens in my backyard, but I also have a big Ohio buckeye tree in the backyard also. I found out there poisoness to basically everything and got a little worried about my chickens eating old buckeye seeds and shells in the ground. I herd chickens are pretty smart when it comes to what not to eat. But honestly how dangerous are they to them? Thanks!
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I wouldn't worry too much...they will likely not eat it.
Yes I was surprised when I had read about the Buckeye trees having every part of them poisonous. I just got a small one from a student on my bus and I told my Hubby to plant it far away from the duck pen. They love leaves and I could see them eating them. It said they were toxic to people and all animals.

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