Buff Orpington pullet has yellow legs


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jun 15, 2007
Western Oregon
My newest buff orp has yellow legs. Does this happen? She's about 10 (?) weeks old or so. The lady I got her from didn't remember how old she was.
I would say she is a Buff Rock then...I have Buff Orps and they have white or pinkish legs...

jb.....i recently went through this with my BO as well. Except I ordered mine from MM Hatchery! I have 15 hens, and 2 roos...and of the 15 hens...2 have green legs, one has bright yellow legs. I called the hatchery, and she was surprised. They should have pinkish/whitish legs. No exceptions. ( unless they are mutts) Which the hatchery told me is "impossible" HA! Now I am wondering, what color eggs will they lay!?? LOL
Thank you everyone. As long as she's a she I'm okay with whatever she is. I looked up buff rocks and they look very similar to buff orps. Green legs huh? Interesting. That I'd like to see.

That chicken looks kind of pretty actually, justasnak. I will post some pics of my girls if I can ever figure out how to do it.

I have 1 six year old buff orp (Hannah), 1 six year old black australorp (Audrey), 1 sixteen week old buff orp (Liza Jane) and 1 ten? week old questionable buff orp/buff rock (Estee, named that because she was delivered to me in a red Estee Lauder box). I had 4 fourteen week old buff orps but 3 of them were roos so had to give them away.
That's why I had to add the littlest one.

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