Can’t walk, 3 week old


13 Years
May 6, 2011
I have 11 three week old chicks. Never been outside because it’s rained every day for weeks. All seem fine aside from one slow grower and now this one that suddenly can’t walk. She seems bright eyed and poops normal, but she’s barely eating or drinking and can’t walk. Her legs are not splayed, they are under her. It’s like she’s too weak to walk? I’ve been giving her nutri-drench and have her separated in her own brooder today. Put Corid in her water just now even though my gut tells me that’s not it. She was FINE the day before yesterday then yesterday this hit. She can get around a tiny bit, but falls and is so weak.

Any ideas?
Could be vitamin defiency. Get a multi poultry vitamin also B2 liquid vitamin, E vitamin capsule and selinium. That helps the vitamin E absorb properly. I Used very very tiny dust of selenium because it can be toxic. I use a small shaving dust of it. I am cautious of it's toxic effects.

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