Can i keep call ducks with chickens?


12 Years
Jun 14, 2007
northwest Ohio
I want to get a pair of call ducks but can i keep them in the coop with my chickens? I have a rooster, i dont know if he would bother them? I would probably build them a little hut with a door that only they could fit through.
We have ours penned together at nights. But the chickens are on the roost and the ducks and geese do whatever it is that they do at night.

During the day, they range over an acre. The chickens go do chicken stuff and the waterfowl go make a mess somewhere.
My Muscovy ducks are penned in with my chickens........not because I didnt offer them their own pen............they chose to go into chicken run and coop there they are.with no problems so far
i have about 8 call ducks in with my chickens. they get along pretty well. tough the ducks chase the chickens once in a while and a chicken tries to swim once in while.
even the 5 guineas get along with them.

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