Can I use permethrin powder one day after using DE? Chickens/Lice


Expecting Miracles
Premium Feather Member
Aug 9, 2020
Found little white balls on feather shafts on my hens' vent area so I immediatley massaged DE under feathers and the whole butt area where the (what I think are lice eggs) are mostly. then i bought permetrin dust , should I wait ? Or just use the permethrin now, only one day after the DE? I cleaned out nesting boxes and treated with DE also and today I have to clean out the whole coop, I plan on getting a spray permethrin solution to use in the coop. (its too cold to get the chickens wet so I got the dust for them, the liquid / spray for coop)
DE is ineffective for a lice infestation. Permethrin spray of dust, or Elector PSP are very effective. Yes, you can use permethrin after DE. DE is very irritating to eyes and lungs of chickens and people. Repeat the permethrin in 10 days to get newly hatched lice eggs, and check again in 10 days for more live lice on skin. Lice reproduce every 10 days, so that is why the treatment should be repeated. Be sure to empty bedding from nests and coop, and replace after spraying roosts, nest boxes and coop.
It is called permethrin garden and poultry dust and found in feed stores. The spray is usually for horses.

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