Catching chicken snacks


Jan 4, 2022
Starting to raise chickens has provided entertainment from something that hasn’t been fun since I was a child. We called them June bugs until someone corrected us. Apparently June bugs have a wider body and iridescent exterior. Then we started calling them just hard-shelled bugs. As a kid I didn't care. There was a toad that slept under a ramp on the porch by day and feasted on these things at night. That was my personal "Wild Kingdom" on nights I got to stay up late. I loved chasing both. Anyway…

Half a century later, I am entertained by chasing these bugs under the porch lights again. Now I have an excuse: I’m feeding my chickens! I don’t know what these beetles are called, but this time of year all it takes is turning on the deck lights and picking them up for an hour on nice nights to have a ball of joy to throw to my juvenile dinosaurs in the morning. I also don’t know what the dietitians will say, but my feathered gang goes nuts for them.


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Isn't it amazing what we won't do for our chickens! I bet your flock is dreaming of their June bug popcorn treat time tomorrow! 😆
Isn't it amazing what we won't do for our chickens! I bet your flock is dreaming of their June bug popcorn treat time tomorrow! 😆
Most mornings, it’s a handful of scratch grains I greet them with when I open the door into the run. It’s a psyop. I make them happy to pour forth into the run with some treat in the morning.
I stay elsewhere 4 nights a week. The three nights I’m here, If weather allows, I give them the bugs instead. They go nuts! They love these things. Keeps them occupied way longer than a handful of scratch grain so I can sneak around into the coop to top off their water.
Starting to raise chickens has provided entertainment from something that hasn’t been fun since I was a child. We called them June bugs until someone corrected us. Apparently June bugs have a wider body and iridescent exterior. Then we started calling them just hard-shelled bugs. As a kid I didn't care. There was a toad that slept under a ramp on the porch by day and feasted on these things at night. That was my personal "Wild Kingdom" on nights I got to stay up late. I loved chasing both. Anyway…

Half a century later, I am entertained by chasing these bugs under the porch lights again. Now I have an excuse: I’m feeding my chickens! I don’t know what these beetles are called, but this time of year all it takes is turning on the deck lights and picking them up for an hour on nice nights to have a ball of joy to throw to my juvenile dinosaurs in the morning. I also don’t know what the dietitians will say, but my feathered gang goes nuts for them.
they sure do look like a dark variety of June Bug to me.

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