I just found this thread and think a national Chickenstock would be terrific. I've scanned the thread from beginning to end and it sure seems like it could grow to be something big.
Just a few questions:
Just why does the APA have to be involved and/or approve a site/meeting/gathering?
Nothing against it, just wondering if biting off a little too much for the first time out. Especially since it involves having someone present a proposal to them.
I really liked the original idea and simplicity of picking a mid-point like the chicken museum that was mentioned in Kansas.
Couldn't, say for the first one, we arrange this so that it was a little less complicated?
As a potter, I have seen an organization I am involved with, start a gathering that has grown substatially over the years. It began in 1994 simply with thirty potters, most from the east coast, from Massachusetts to Georgia. The coordiantors invited a few local pottery supply reps to bring items for sale and/or demonstration. They were not charged a fee to be there and we didn't pay them either. The 'feature' item was a well-known potter doing a demonstration of his work.
The funds, $38.00 collected from each participant, went to pay for the site, liability insurance for the day, and the fee charged by the feature potter. Those who needed a place to stay arranged their own accomidations, ranging from camping at a local campground to staying with local potters, or at motels. Food was a big mid-day pot luck.
Anyway, it has grown to be a really big deal now, but it started simple.

Just my two cents worth. However this turns out, I appreciate very much the hard work those of you have shouldered to put it together. I plan to make every effort to be able to attend (I'll be bringing my camper!). If I can help in any way, please let me know.
I'd really like for this to happen and see it grow in the coming years.
I have been reading through this thread too and I feel so bad. I am late! I live in Ohio. I am new to the forum and I am still trying to read everything. IF there is ANYTHING else going on around Ohio and you need ANYTHING PLEASE e-mail me.
[email protected]
Is there a place here on the forum for us to "register" to be contacted if we can be of assistance?

The last time I spoke with the APA they were still interested. It's all in my last post. The problem seems to be finding someone to go present the idea to them.

The reason I went to the APA was because they know so many people and probably have some kind of "pull" to get stuff done. They have all their members they can spread the word to.... It just seemed like they could really help us out. They are willing, we just need to find someone here who can present the idea to them.
I realize this was talked about several pages ago, but I wanted to bring this up before anyone got their hopes too high and went looking for it..."The National Poultry Museum" as of September 2005 was ONE small building of equipment within the farm town within the Agricultural Museum and a coop with about 4 live chickens in it at the time.

I was *extremely* disappointed. I saw an ad for it in McMurray's catalog, and since we were going to the Renaissance Festival (pretty much right next door to the Ag museum), we decided to go to the "National Poultry Museum".

We drove all around the address where it was supposed to be, and finally went into the agricultural museum and asked about it. The person working there told us that it doesn't really exist, that they did have the one building that had chicken equipment in it, and wasn't really sure why it was being advertised the way it was.

Stromberg may have a dream to have this museum, but as of 2 years ago, it was not a reality.

OTOH, I was very impressed with the Ag museum as a whole -- we spent quite some time wandering amongst the exhibits learning about the history of farm equipment. Going to the Ag museum is definitely worth it, but don't expect a whole lot on chickens.

(Unless they've done a lot of work on it in the past two years.)

ETA: I'm voting for Texas!
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