Chukar raising and breeding...??


9 Years
Dec 15, 2013
San Antonio, Texas
How different are chuckar than coturnix or bobwhite quail?

Ive had plenty quail before, but thinking about doing chukar...

Whats the egg laying info, even with light? I suspect less eggs than cotornix quail... how old when they start laying? Trying to figure out the reproduction schedule here...
How different are chuckar than coturnix or bobwhite quail?

Ive had plenty quail before, but thinking about doing chukar...

Whats the egg laying info, even with light? I suspect less eggs than cotornix quail... how old when they start laying? Trying to figure out the reproduction schedule here...
Chukars are like outsized super aggressive bob whites attitude and care wise. Like BW's they do not typically set or brood eggs in a captive setting.

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